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A Bunch of Social Media is Launched

22nd July, 2016

        Recently, our company has launched various  social media in order to communicate better with all parties. On top of the existing Facebook page ‘Enoch Deco Interior Design’, we have established a Linkedin Profile, a Twitter, and a Weibo account. All the links can be found at the bottom of our webpage. Also, our Linkedin Company Page, and Google+ page are under development. We will post the access link as soon as they are ready.  


        Social media enable us to share our latest update easier and faster. Not only photos of our completed projects and current events, but also interesting topics will be posted on  these social media. For example, stunning works of artists from all over the world, or video that shows professional photography techniques. 



        Social media help our company to help you more effectively as it allows us to receive instant feedback from you. We treasure messages delivered from you because they provide us with valuable insights on different perspectives.Simply actions such as clicking the ‘like’ already tell us about your preference.  


        Join us in the social media, enrich your experience with Enoch Deco.

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